Events from Nov. 1, 2023 to Dec. 1, 2023
UVic Café Historique: Cars: The Surprising Ways Personal Mobility Changed our World (7:00 PM)  In Person $5 at the door, for livestream (donation of $5) email [email protected] - you will be sent a link
Livestream + In Person Lynn Miles (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
VJS presents: Elizabeth Shepherd: Three Things Album Launch (7:00 PM)  $31.50 advance/VJS members/students | $33 at the door (taxes incl.)
Livestream + In Person Lester Quitzau (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person Canus Red Hot Traditional Jazz Matinee (1:00 PM)  $20 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
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Livestream + In Person Café Scientifique (7:00 PM)  Free and donations welcome
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Sold Out - Livestream + In Person Edie Daponte & Friends - ‘We’ll Meet Again’ (7:00 PM)  $30 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Sold Out - Livestream + In Person In the Mood Quartet (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person Great American Song Book Trio (1:00 PM)  $20 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
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Ben Bankas Returns (7:00 PM)  $35 plus fee/tax, walk-ins welcome
Arts On View Fundraiser: Keeping It Live! (7:00 PM)  S100 (including taxes)
Auntie Kate and the Uncles of Funk (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person David Santana: tribute to Kenny Burrell (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
U-JAM Club Night: Guest mentor Diane Pancel (7:00 PM)  $15 for non-members and $10 for members and students, at door only
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Livestream + In Person Benjamin Deschamps – Augmented Reality (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
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Livestream + In Person The Unfaithful Servants (7:00 PM)  $20 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Sold Out - The Pretzel Logic Orchestra playing the music of Steely Dan (7:00 PM)  $30 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person The Don Leppard Big Band (7:00 PM)  $15 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
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Livestream + In Person Queen Kong (7:00 PM)  $25 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person Louise Rose: Alone Together (7:00 PM)  $20 plus fees/tax, walk-ins welcome
Livestream + In Person Andrew Greenwood Quartet tributes Dexter Gordon (7:00 PM)  $20 plus fees/tax, $10 plus fees/tax students at the door
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